Tips On Improving Your Balance & Performance

Balance is a critical element when it comes to safety, performance and success in the saddle. In this video, Mike Davis, Champion Reining Horse Trainer and Horseman, provides several quick tips and exercises to help you improve your balance in the saddle. Mike Davis is a World-Champion Reining Horse Trainer and Competitor. More importantly, MikeRead more ⟶

The Importance of Good Lope Departures with Mike Davis

A  solid lope departure is a key in many disciplines, especially reining. In this video, Mike Davis, Champion Reining Horse Trainer and Horseman, demonstrates and explains the importance of a good lope departure. Mike Davis is a World-Champion Reining Horse Trainer and Competitor. More importantly, Mike is an accomplished and highly regarded horseman who understandsRead more ⟶

Moving the Hip & Lead Changes with Mike Davis

Moving the hip, good lope departures, and lead changes. All in a day’s work for Champion Reining Horse Trainer, Mike Davis. Mike Davis is a World-Champion Reining Horse Trainer and Competitor. More importantly, Mike is an accomplished and highly regarded horseman who understands and practices the art of horsemanship every single day with client horsesRead more ⟶

Rule #1 with Mike Davis

What’s one of the keys to a successful relationship with your horse AND improving your own horsemanship skills? This quick video from Champion Reining Horse Trainer, Mike Davis, will tell you what it is! Mike Davis is a World-Champion Reining Horse Trainer and Competitor. More importantly, Mike is an accomplished and highly regarded horseman whoRead more ⟶