A man backing his horse while surrounded by a crowd.

Tips On Improving Your Balance & Performance

Balance is a critical element when it comes to safety, performance and success in the saddle. In this video, Mike Davis, Champion Reining Horse Trainer and Horseman, provides several quick tips and exercises to help you improve your balance in the saddle.

Mike Davis is a World-Champion Reining Horse Trainer and Competitor. More importantly, Mike is an accomplished and highly regarded horseman who understands and practices the art of horsemanship every single day with client horses as well as his own horses. If you ask him what he enjoys most about being a trainer and horseman, he’ll tell you that it’s watching what his amateurs and their horses accomplish.

Mike Davis has helped clients all over the world develop their own horsemanship skills. Regardless of whether the riders or horses are rookies or veterans, Mike believes good horsemanship is the key to success. In his clinics and training sessions around the world, Mike focuses on everything from backing your horse to consistency and controlling your speed. He discusses the benefits of appropriate saddle pads, bits, and saddles. He emphasizes the importance of hard work and consistency when it comes to horse and rider.

Mike Davis and his riders and horses consistently show that his methods and hard work pay big dividends both in and outside the competition arena. We hope you enjoy this video from Mike Davis of V2 Reining/Mike Davis Reining. For more information, visit Mike on his Facebook page here. See more videos from Mike here.